We're offering 100% online service, so you can connect to any senior regardless of where you are as long as you have internet access . Please feel free to join us!
Get Started

All users (both seniors and juniors) can answer our matching survey regarding your hobby, habit and your way of thinking. Then, our AI will recommend best seniors to each junior by reflecting the results. It takes only 3 minutes to answer the survey.
All juniors can also search seniors by inputting senior's criteria (senior's university, subjects, etc…).
Then, enjoy recommendation results by viewing seniors who are displayed.

When juniors click the image of each senior, they can view the senior's profile. It contains the information of experience in living in Japan or experience in teaching, ratings from juniors, and so on .
Also, juniors can view all classes the senior have created, so you can book classes if you're interested in the senior.
Main Functions

Scheduled Class
This is usually a group class. You can book classes which you're interested in and take them.
Some classes have more than one lesson, and date and time of all lessons are already decided, so be careful to check your schedule before confirming your book.

VIP Class
This is 1 on 1 lesson. If you'd like to learn something more complicated or personal, you can book VIP Class and ask a lot to your senior.
You can select and book any slot which the senior registered as an "available time".

Video Class
When you book this class, you can watch video lecture anytime within 1 year after your book.
Before booking, you can preview video for free, so enjoy looking for the video you want to watch!

Q&A Board
You can ask questions regarding Japan, Japanese universities, Japanese life, etc…
Other users (especially seniors) will help you by answering your question. Also, you can view all Q&As conducted by other users. All users can use Q&A board for free!